Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine

Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine

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Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine – a delicious, hearty stew with Moroccan spices, perfect for a cozy meal on a cool day, plus your house will smell of the amazing warm scents of cinnamon and cumin as it simmers away in your slow cooker.

Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine

A tagine is a Moroccan dish slow-cooked with meat, fruit and vegetables and is named after the type of clay pot in which it is traditionally cooked. Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite versions which combines cubes of beef, sweet potatoes and dried apricots and is made in the slow cooker.

Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine

During my 20s, before I had kids, I did a lot of travelling, both for work and for fun. I’ve been all over the world, but one place I haven’t been is Morocco. Luckily for me, there used to be this amazing Moroccan restaurant, called Chez Es Saada, in New York City, which is where I lived for most of my 20s. My husband and I went there often.

Eating at Chez Es Saada was an experience, it was subterranean, colorfully decorated and they even had belly dancers, and definitely made me feel like I could be in Morocco. I had the most wonderful tagine there and this Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine captures the flavors that I remember.

Chez Es Saada also had this wonderful cocktail made with blood orange juice. We loved it so much that my husband recreated it for us at home, this is his recipe for Blood Orange Juice Cocktails, they are a wonderful accompaniment to this Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine.

Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine

This Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine is a hit with all three of my kids. My son loves the way it smells. When he comes home from school, and this is simmering away in the slow cooker, he always exclaims how wonderful the house smells.

I’m always happy when he says something smells good, because I’ve learned that when my kids like the way something smells, they are much more willing to eat it, and that certainly holds true with this tagine, my son is always thrilled to have it for dinner.

Do you have a favorite Moroccan dish? Please let me know in the comments below!

adapted from
Slow Cooker Beef & Sweet Potato Tagine - a delicious, hearty stew with Moroccan spices, perfect for a cozy meal on a cool day, plus your house will smell of the amazing warm scents of cinnamon and cumin as it simmers away in your slow cooker.

This recipe is featured at:
Merry Monday


  1. Just tried this amazing recipe. We both loved it. I was worried about the cumin and cinnamon mix but since we love both spices I gave it a shot. So glad I did.

  2. one of my husbands and my first dates was to a great morrocan place in Minneapolis – complete with cushions on the floor and belly dancers – SO fun. I cannot wait to try and recreate the flavors at home – hopefully my kids are feeling adventurous!!

  3. These flavours sound so comforting and delicious! That is awesome you got a lot of traveling in before children. You can still travel but I try to tell people, if you are an adventurous, get those trips in now because it may be a while for the next one 🙂

  4. Joy, this looks and sounds so good. I love sweet potatoes and all those spices are right up my alley 🙂 Visiting from the Weekend Social 🙂

  5. This looks so perfect! I wish I could take a bite right now! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being a part of our party. I hope to see you on tonight at 7 pm. It wouldn’t be a party without you!
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  6. I’m with your son on this…I’m sure it smells wonderful with cinnamon and cumin. I like exposing my son to foods from around the world. He thinks it’s fun too. Thanks for sharing with See Ya in the Gumbo this week!

  7. What a great tip! Hello, my name is Misty, from The LadyPrefers2Save at, and I’m one of the new co-hosts for the Merry Monday Linky Party! I wanted to write and let you know that your project will be featured as one of my featured projects this week on the Merry Monday Party, on my blog, as well as will be linked to the Merry Monday Pinterest board, as well. Thanks for linking up at the Merry Monday’s Linky Party this week. Have an awesome week!

  8. I just wanted to personally invite your to week #9 of #PureBlogLove Link Party, for Recipes and DIY crafts! I absolutely love your blog, I can’t wait to see what you will share with us! Starts tonight (Thursday-Sunday) !
    Heidy L. McCallum

  9. Thank you so much for attending week 8 of #PureBlogLove and linking your fantastic blog post, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for our party next week Thursday 8 PM EST- Sundays at midnight. Your post has been added to the #PureBlogLove Pinterest board for all to see 🙂 Have a great day!

  10. My husband would love this! Can I use chicken or pork? I don’t eat beef. Maybe he won’t mind eating the whole thing himself with the beef!!

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