Waterrmelon Lime Coolers

Watermelon Lime Coolers

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Watermelon Lime Coolers – these light and refreshing coolers are perfect for anytime you’d like some bright and cheerful refreshment.

Waterrmelon Lime Coolers

Ready for Warmer Weather and Refreshing Beverages

I am so ready for the warmer weather and being able to relax outside on my deck with a refreshing beverage, such as these delicious Watermelon Lime Coolers. Even though we are in the third week of spring, I’m going to have to wait to do so, as the warmer weather has yet to arrive here in Massachusetts.

On Monday, we had a snow storm, followed by two days of frigid cold temperatures. And today, it is pouring rain. So, though I’m going to have to wait to sit outside, I can still enjoy one of these bright and cheerful Watermelon Lime Coolers. The delicious taste of watermelon immediately makes me think of summer, no matter what the weather is doing outside.

Waterrmelon Lime Coolers

My three kids all love watermelon. Watermelon is, of course, at it’s best during the summer when it is available locally. However, off season, I do occasionally purchase one of those mini size personal watermelons, which are available year round. The smaller watermelons are usually seedless, but sometimes they do have some small edible seeds. The personal watermelon, that I picked up last week, contained many more seeds than usual. My kids won’t eat the seeds and there were just too many to pick out.

How to Make Watermelon Lime Cookers

So, I decided to puree the watermelon and use it to make a drink. I also had some fresh limes on hand so I decided to make Watermelon Lime Coolers.

First, I pureed the watermelon chunks in a blender and strained the puree through some cheese cloth, discarding the seeds and solids. I added the strained puree along with some fresh lime juice to some glasses and stirred to combine. I then added ice to the glasses and topped them off with lime seltzer. I garnished each glass with a slice of lime and added a {affiliate link} pretty paper straw.

The resulting Watermelon Lime Coolers are so delicious and refreshing, the subtle tartness from the lime complements the sweetness from the melon nicely.

Waterrmelon Lime Coolers

These light and refreshing, sweet and slightly tart Watermelon Lime Coolers are perfect for warm weather entertaining or anytime you’d like a little sip of summer.

What is your favorite warm weather drink? Please let me know in the comments below!

Watermelon Lime Coolers - these light and refreshing coolers are perfect for anytime you'd like some bright and cheerful refreshment.


  1. Your watermelon lime cooler looks delicious, Joy. Perfect for spring or summer. I might add a shot of rum to mine, too. šŸ™‚ Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for partying with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday.

  2. These look lovely and so refreshing! We’re still waiting for warmer weather here in Toronto too (yes, we also had snow last week!) but I think sipping these would make us feel a lot better about this crazy spring we’re having. My fave warm weather drink? Margaritas! (More tequila, less margarita lol)

  3. I LOVE THIS RECIPE!!! And what a fun “mocktail” this would make for the non drinkers at any BBQ this summer! I can’t wait to give it a try!

  4. These are so cheerful and fun! I know a lot of people suffering through the crazy “spring” weather across the country, but here in Phoenix, it’s warming up fast! Perfect drink to get us through the summer! Love the added lime!

  5. You are so lucky you have warm weather – it’s pretty miserable here right now. Although I wouldn’t let that stop me from trying this refreshing cooler. My favourite warm weather drink changes all the time! Last Summer was obsessed with aloe vera drinks.

    • Hi Sarah, we don’t have the warm weather here quite yet, I just couldn’t resist making a beverage that made me think of summer šŸ™‚ I’ve never had an aloe vera drink, I’ll have to look into it, sounds great!

  6. Beautiful! I agree – a little splash of vodka would be a delicious addition. šŸ™‚ Here’s to warmer weather soon! We had the same cold snap in Iowa. šŸ™

  7. I’m so glad we’re getting into this time of year again!! These look so light and refreshing. Definitely saving. Thanks.

  8. Flip-flops, shorts and a nice big glass of watermelon-line coolers sounds like a perfect start to the summer season! Watermelon is super hydrating too. Beautiful drink, Joy!

  9. This looks like a refreshing drink for summer. We juice a few times a week and the kids really like watermelon and juice without the seltzer. They would like the bubbles in your recipe. We’ll have to try it when watermelons are available again.

    • Ooh, this would be great with some vodka, I had that same thought and will have to try that next time!

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