Missionary Date Balls

Missionary Date Balls

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Crispy, buttery, nutty and sweet, Missionary Date Balls are a tasty bite-size little treat!

Missionary Date Balls

These Missionary Date Balls are a holiday tradition in my family. My grandmother made them all the time during the holidays when I was growing up. She would make a big batch, some she would roll in coconut, some in powdered sugar and some in nuts. My favorite, then and now, is the coconut, the men in my family enjoy the nuts and the kids love the powdered sugar.

My mom, inherited the recipe from her mom, and also makes these Missionary Date Balls. Now, she has passed down the recipe to my brother and I, and we both love to make them for our families.

Missionary Date Balls

If you have never had one of these Missionary Date Balls, you will be amazed at the buttery goodness that is packed into each of these little round orbs of delicious-ness. The dates provide a rich sweetness, crispy rice cereal provides just the right amount of crunch and pecans add a wonderful nuttiness.

These Missionary Date Balls are truly a special treat to cherish with loves ones, during the holiday season, and anytime.


  1. Congrats! Missionary Date Balls is a Featured Post at the Home Matters Linky Party ! The Door is Open, so come one by and add a Linky to the Party. šŸ™‚

    ~Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai

  2. Hello cute lady! I bet these little gems made a lot of people happy! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being a part of our party. I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. We love to party with you! Lou Lou Girls

  3. I have a full bowl of dates I bought a few weeks ago and was wondering how I could use them. Thanks for an awesome recipe!

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