Italian Wedding Soup

Italian Wedding Soup

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Italian Wedding Soup – a bowl of this delicious and hearty soup is sure to warm you up on a snowy winter’s day!

Italian Wedding Soup

We received 28 inches of snow this past Tuesday and Wednesday, during the Blizzard of 2015, also known as Snowmageddon 2015 (love that name!). And we are getting even more snow as I sit here writing this on Friday morning. Well, there is nothing better after a long day of snow blowing, snow shoveling, snow angel making and sledding in the snow then a big bowl of hot soup!

January is National Soup Month, and I realized that I hadn’t posted a soup recipe yet this month. So, with two days left in January, I decided to post my family’s favorite soup — Italian Wedding Soup. Everyone in my family, both kids and adults, loves this soup. I love that with the meatballs, pasta and all the veggies, it is a meal unto itself.

I like to make a big batch, so we can have it for dinner one night and I can freeze the rest and we get at least another meal out of it. Also, it’s nice to have a container of this in my freezer, that I can pull out for the kids to have, when I’m making something for dinner that only the adults will like.

Italian Wedding Soup

The meatballs are the star of this soup, in fact I often call it Meatball Soup, which was one of the very first posts I did when I started Joy Love Food last September. The main difference between the two soups, is the type of pasta.

For the Meatball Soup, I used Ditalini pasta which is a small tubular pasta. I started using Ditalini, back when my twin girls were starting to feed themselves for the first time, because it is the perfect shape for little fingers to pick up using the pincher grasp.

Now my girls are 2 and 1/2 and are experts at eating soup with a spoon, so I’ve switched back to using Acini de Pepe, which is a very small pasta, kind of like little beads, and my son’s preferred shape for Italian Wedding Soup.

Italian Wedding Soup

A bowl of this delicious Italian Wedding Soup is perfect for a cozy meal on a cold winter’s day. Quite frankly, it’s perfect anytime of year, we love soup at my house and I make this year round.

What is your family’s favorite soup? Let me know in the comments below!

Italian Wedding Soup

This recipe is featured at:
My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday


  1. This meatball Soup recipe was incredible and it helped my child recover from the flu because they loved the flavor. Thank you for sharing this awesome recipe.
    Cheers Paul

  2. I love Italian wedding soup! Our local Kroger doesn’t always have escarole so I sometimes substitute arugula or kale. Great recipe! I love all your soup ones especially!

  3. Still snowing and cold in my neck of the woods so this soup is perfect to cozy up in the evening. Thanks for linking up at Thursday Favorite Things hope to see you again this week.

  4. Oh my gosh! That looks so yummy!

    Believe it or not, I’ve never had home-made Italian Wedding Soup before. This makes me want to try it though! Looks amazing (especially on a cold day like today).

    Loved co-hosting with you for Wordless Wednesdays at Oh My Heartsie Girls! 🙂

  5. […] So for My second Favorite Thing on Thursday this week is this Italian Wedding Soup from Joy Love Food.  I must be in the mood for some good old comfort foods this week…to pick 2 soup like recipes…but anyway this soup looks amazing. I have never actually had this type of soup…but with all those yummy ingredients I will now! Check it out here:   […]

  6. Hi!! Just wanted you to know I am featuring your soup on My 2Favorite Things on Thursday – Link Party! It starts tomorrow. Hope you come back and share some more…I love having you!!

  7. […] Soup fits the ticket. Using a little known pasta Acini di Pepe helps to make this a hearty soup. Italian Wedding Soup Co-Host Joy Mooiweer Joy Love Food Twitter | Facebook | Google + | Pinterest Would Love The Follow […]

  8. Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday – Link Party! Come back again on Thursday and share some more!! I love having you!! Pinned!!

  9. I wish I had a cup of this soup right now! Your recipes always look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday!

  10. Although we cannot eat it (we don’t mix dairy with meat of chicken – religious reasons) – I must admit it looks very tasty!! And I happen to love soup 🙂

    • Hi Winnie, you can easily make this dairy free! Just replace the milk in the meatballs with a non dairy version, such as coconut or soy, and omit the Parmesan topping. Thanks for coming by!

  11. Thank you for stopping in and linking up with us this week on #TheWeekendSocial. We love your ideas and hope to see you again this weekend on We have pinned, stumbled & added your link into yummly.

  12. That’s a lot of snow. I can’t even imagine! If we ever get snow (rarely), it’s just a dusting.
    Great soup! I like the small pasta shape.

  13. […] is cold and snowy, it is time for comfort food! Last Friday, I shared my family’s favorite soup, Italian Wedding Soup. Today, I thought I’d share one of my husband’s favorite comfort foods – Hutspot. My husband […]

  14. What a delightfully, cozy warm recipe! I will have to save this to try. Today, I’m whipping up a large pot of homemade chilli and a pan of buttermilk cornbread It’s horribly cold here in the Tennessee Valley, so this will be a welcome treat. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. Have a good evening!

    • Thank you so much Jenny, you are too kind :). I love your website, you have so many wonderful projects and are inspiring me to get better organized!

  15. Hi Joy,

    I’m Italian and have missed my Grandma’s Italian Wedding Soup for quite some time as she lives in New Jersey and I’m in Arizona. I have printed out your recipe and plan to try it soon… Can’t wait as it is one of my most favorite soups like ever! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe!

    Welcome to My Circus

  16. I make this soup all the time! We all love it. Your recipe is only different than mine in that it has carrots. The meatballs are so good that I occasionally use the recipe for my regular meatballs for sauce.

  17. It’s snowing here and this looks like it would be amazing for a warm dinner. Soup and fresh snow falling makes for a perfect evening.

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