Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves

Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves

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A slice of these delicious, cheerful, little Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves is sure to brighten your day.

Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves

Here’s a fun fact about me — my last name is Mooiweer, it is Dutch, and it literally translates into “nice weather” (mooi = nice, weer = weather). We Mooiweers, have a saying, that “Wherever we go, we bring the nice weather!” Funny, right?

Anyway, for that to be true now, your idea of nice weather would have to be, below freezing temperatures and over six feet of snow. Mine certainly isn’t! I don’t mind the snow, it’s the cold that I’m getting tired of and I am dreaming of warm sunny days.

Since spring is still many weeks of away, I have to settle for baking something warm and cheerful. I really loved the Lemon Blueberry Mini Loaves, that I made a little while back, so I decided to make another quick bread using citrus — this time I decided to use orange.

Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves

I found this recipe for an Orange Sunshine Loaf from Canadian Living. It sounded wonderful and, I really loved the name. After making my version, I can say, the name is appropriate, these loaves, really are little rays of sunshine. I made a few changes, mainly subbing light sour cream for yogurt and I made mini loaves rather than one larger loaf.

I’m still loving the mini loaves, they are just so cute. And, I discovered, a slice of a mini loaf, fits perfectly in the palm of one of my twin 2.9 year old girls’ hands.

Here is an affiliate link to the exact set of mini loaf pans that I purchased from Amazon last December.

I really love these pans, the loaves always come out perfectly. And best of all, these pans are seamless, which means there are no little crevices for food to get stuck into. I have that problem with some of my larger loaf pans with seams, food is always getting stuck in the crevices and I find myself trying to clean them with a toothpick, which is not fun at all. So, I highly recommend these pans.

Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves

A slice or two of these delicious Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves is perfect in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea, or any time of day when you are craving a little bit of sunshine.

Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves
This post contains affiliate links for products that I personally recommend available at Please see my disclosure page for more information.


  1. I love your recipe for your Orange Sunshine Mini Loaves, they are really awesome! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. I love your family’s saying, Joy.My citrus trees are starting to bloom–the scent of citrus is like sunshine. These mini loaves look perfect for enjoying sunshine any way you can.
    Thank you for sharing with the last See Ya in the Gumbo party and for sharing over these many weeks. Although the party is over, features will be posted tonight. Your Orange Sunshine Loaves are in the Top Five!

  3. These look amazing. They look like they just came from a bakery. Brings back great memories of when I was a child. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday.

  4. I love the refreshing taste of citrus, and the this would be a great spring treat with the sunshine flavor of orange! The frosting on top is just perfect! I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now!

  5. G’day Joy and thanks for sharing at the Say G’day Party All pinned!
    I hope you will like to join me again next Saturday, perhaps bring a friend and can share up to 3 links! Cheers! Joanne

  6. It looks delicious! Orange flavour is great in cake and chocolate I might add! Thank you for sharing and I hope you will come back soon!

  7. Could definitely use a taste of sunshine up here in Saskatchewan. The snow is starting to melt, but I can’t say that spring is near until next month! Those loaves look very inviting!

    • Thanks so much Michelle! You now have me curious about the origin of your last name too 🙂

  8. HI Joy, well those look mouth watering, and I have a down fall for moist cake. I have not made a citrus flavored cake for a long time. Your recipe is saved to my Recipe board.

    Thanks for linking on The Oh My Heartsie Girls ww this week. I hope you have sunshine and sweet smells of spring soon.

  9. I’m with you. I don’t like the cold weather. I could also do without the snow. I would much rather be hot than cold. These cakes sunshine loaves look delicious. They would certainly help me forget there was snow outside.

  10. These would be perfect on the Easter brunch table! Pinned, stumbled and yummed these babies. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This looks delicious. I’m going to have to try it. I also had a laugh at your post. The weather part is funny. We just moved from Colorado to Southern Florida. I’m am happy not to have any cold weather this winter. That is until I have to go to Connecticut or Denver to visit our family.
    Have a great week, and thanks for the laugh.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  12. I love anything orange flavored so these look so good to me! I am afraid I would eat one whole mini loaf in one sitting! Pinned!

  13. Joy, these look delicious. I wish for you warmer weather and Spring blossoms soon. My roses are coming out and our fruit trees are beginning to bloom!
    Now we have to deal with windy,windy days.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,

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